Socks with tory burch flat shoes must know the skills

Tips socks with tory burch flat shoes
1. Large floral pattern and opaque stockings with tory burch shoes suitable for
2. socks with athletic shoes to 2 cm above the shoe is the best golden ratio.
3. when wearing a skirt with flat shoes, socks, ankle and calf in the middle of a high position in order to polish the most beautiful leg line.
4. Asakuchi flat shoes best not to wear socks, or wearing ship socks, ankle socks, bare ankles, out as far as possible, to create the beautiful curves of the legs.
5. a pair of tory burch sale and stockings is a good partner, but the body fat compared seven girls to wear panty hose when not with flat shoes, unless you have enough courage to meet other people's "attention"
6. arch, or arch, older people normally best not to wear flat shoes for a long time, there are three or four days a week through 3 to 4 cm in the heel of the foot health.
Par toryburchonsale le mardi 29 mars 2011


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